
The KMSKA in the picture

The site photographer

Since 2011, site photographer Karin Borghouts has been photographing the renovation of the KMSKA. 

Het Schoonste Museum Gerestaureeerde gevel Spiraaltrap KMSKA - Karin Borghouts het museumbalkon na de restauratie van de mozaïekvloer. Leeszaal van de bibliotheek Zicht op de onthaalzone onder de inkomhal Majestueuze inkomhal Prentekabinet, Karin Borghouts Prentenkabinet, Karin Borghouts Ensorzaal met ziggurattrap zaalzicht bovenzaal karin borghouts kmska Het nieuwe museum Hoogste zaal in het nieuwe deel Zaalzicht detail Rubenszaal voor gouddecoratie Rubenszaal voor gouddecoratie Museumcafé Traphal achterzijde Het restauratieatelier Interne depot Pivoterende wand werffoto-header-homepage
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In its purest form

For quite some time, we have been building an unforgettable museum. Or rather, museums. Because, for the price of one, you get two museums. In one building.

So the wait is doubly rewarded: the museum halls look magnificent!

Before entering the next phase of renovation, we have had them recorded in their purest form for eternity. 

Keep track of the progress

find out all about the renovation