

The KMSKA amazes, connects and is enriching … for every generation. So plan a fun day at the museum with the kids. Because for them too there is a great programme full of surprises. Such as a family trail that stimulates the imagination of the youngest visitors.

The Finest Family Visit: 5 pointers

  1. The wonderment begins outdoors. Can you spot the winged horses on the roof? They are over a hundred years old. And that mosaic at the top of the museum steps? It is the largest art mosaic in Europe of the last 20 years! Can you guess how many tiles it consists of? Almost half a million!
  2. Eating, running and touching ... is not allowed in the museum. But looking, dreaming, drawing, imagining, moving, laughing, trying things out and imitating are. Which painting do you like best? Can you strike that pose? Or draw it in your sketchbook? For every child between 6 and 12 years of age receives a sketchbook and pencil as a gift with the family trail. Pick them up for free at the information desk.
  3. Somewhere in the museum there is a narrow, high corridor full of amazing colours. Can you find it? Good. This is no ordinary corridor but an art installation by Boy & Erik Stappaerts. Proof that contemporary art too has its place here.
  4. Want to stretch your legs, enjoy the sun or have a picnic? Feel free to do so in our beautiful museum gardens. Be sure to take a look at the statues on their pedestals. These too are works of art from the museum.
  5. Would you like to start your visit well-prepared? Then take a look at our Plan Your Visit page, full of practical pointers.

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